Using the Multi Tier Selector

This functionality depends on the settings chosen in the Control Preferences in the System Settings window.

When a field has values organized in multiple tiers (that is, parent and child tiers), you can search for an item using the Multi Tier Selector button or by keying in some or all of the name of the value you are looking for. You can also navigate through the different tiers, either up or down, to make your selection.

When this button is used for call types, it will consider partition settings, and 'Limit Type by IPK' settings.

Using the mouse to navigate the multi-tier menu

  1. Select the button to the right end of the field.

    A pop-up list appears, showing the first tier of items. Those items with sub-categories have a small black arrow to their right .

  2. Select the item you want, or select the arrow alongside the item to display further subcategories.

    Alternatively, use the arrows on your keyboard.

    When you select an item, the button changes to include an x.

  3. If you want to change your selection, select the field to display all of the other options available at the currently selected tier, with the currently selected one highlighted in bold text.
  4. You can then do any of the following:
    • Select a different option from the drop-down list
    • Select on an item in a higher tier to display the options within that level
    • Select away from the list to keep the current one, or select on the x in the button – .
  5. Click away from the list to cancel the search.

Typing a search string to find a multi-tier item

You can search for an item by typing a search string into the multi-tier field, as follows.

  1. Select the multi-tier field. (These are identified by the to the right end of the field.)
  2. Type a search string.

    As you type, ASM searches through the items in all of the tiers for the field, and returns a drop-down list of results. The list updates as you continue typing.

  3. You can change the number of characters you need to type in order to trigger the search in the System Settings window.

    The search looks for words containing the string, as well as words beginning with the string. It is not case sensitive.

  4. Select the item in the list.
  5. If you want to change your selection, select x, then repeat the process.
  6. Click away from the list to cancel the search.